Stealth Announces New Results and a Best Paper Award at EUROCRYPT’22
May 25, 2022
As part of the Wizkit project, David Heath (Georgia Tech), Vladimir Kolesnikov (Georgia Tech), and Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA), presented their work on “EPIGRAM: Practical Garbled RAM” at EUROCRYPT 2022, which was awarded best paper. Congratulations! A link to the corresponding publication (in the conference proceedings) can be found here. At the same conference, Stealth co-founder Rafail Ostrovsky and CEO Steve Lu, in collaboration with Abida Haque (NC State), David Heath (Georgia Tech), Vladimir Kolesnikov (Georgia Tech), and Akash Shah (UCLA), had their work “Garbled Circuits with Sublinear Evaluator” also presented. A link to the corresponding publication, which received the best paper award, can be found here.